Mobile Device Security: Sometimes it’s Simple

Thanks to Suzanne Rowan Kelleher, contributor to Forbes Travel, for sharing a great article that highlights the simple, cheap and easy way that hackers can access mobile devices through a charging cable. Not new information for security professionals, but a great accessible article for security education and awareness programs. Borrowing a charger from a fellow traveler or using the cable out of that swag-bag from that recent tradeshow can expose your device and data to hackers.

Favorite quote: “There are certain things in life that you just don’t borrow,” says Charles Henderson, Global Managing Partner and Head of X-Force Red at IBM Security. “If you were on a trip and realized you forgot to pack underwear, you wouldn’t ask all your co-travelers if you could borrow their underwear. You’d go to a store and buy new underwear.” ….do the same for your charging cable.

A good reminder about everyone’s responsibility to be vigilant while traveling and a simple way to protect your mobile device. READ MORE….

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